Pay-As-You-Go Subscription Bouquet


 It's never been easier to get beautiful flowers delivered to your door! Just choose your dollar amount and the desired frequency of your delivery and you're done! You'll be billed at the time of each delivery so you don't have to pay it all upfront. We'll choose the freshest seasonal flowers (meet our Growers and Partners here), and craft them in to a bouquet that's ready to be delivered to you every month!

  • You choose the delivery frequency
  • Recurring billing with each delivery
  • Flowers are sourced within Oregon during the growing season, and from California & the Pacific NW when local flowers not available
  • Flowers will be designer's choice depending on local/regional availability and colors will vary.
  • Photo is only a representation of what a bouquet could look like.  Flowers and colors will vary 
  • All bouquets are wrapped (no vase) and include a temporary water source.  Please place flowers in water after receiving them.

Delivery to Eugene and Springfield, Oregon is $10.99.  Pickup is also available free of charge at 1262 Lawrence Street Suite #2 Eugene, Oregon 97401.